Abortion, Hookup Culture, and Socialism

VFL commentator Holly Anne explores the connections between abortion, hookup culture, and socialism…

In this age of increased political polarization, there seem to be endless ideologies, movements, debates, and moral issues that are leaving their impressions on modern culture.

Amid these central topics, abortion and socialism are frequently recurring themes.

The abortion debate, having dominated the public political sphere for the last few decades, and increasingly so with the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, is a sensitive topic for many.

The complexities surrounding the abortion debate include questions of whether one has the absolute right to bodily autonomy, whether freedom of choice supersedes the right to life, whether an unborn child is human and deserves human rights, whether opposing views should be silenced or heard, and whether abortion is murder or healthcare.

Socialism, on the other hand, has to do with creating a ‘fair and equitable society’ in which all are no longer individuals with unique opportunities but are instead parts of a complex social machine that ‘serves the good of all’.

Democratic Socialists, through the conduit of public sentiment, education, culture, and politics, are re-engineering culture to function within the philosophical ideals of communism, and we see this in action in the realms of abortion, the sexual revolution, and the demise of the nuclear family and familial community.

At first glance, the cry for bodily autonomy has almost nothing to do with the Marxist agenda of social reconstruction and totalitarianism.

After all, what does ‘my body, my choice’ have to do with being a mindless worker (a useful idiot) in the regime of socialism?

However, there is a connection between the two – one that soon becomes apparent when you understand the vast cultural and social implications of abortion-on-demand.

On-demand access to abortion creates a culture defined by casual dating, hookup culture, and sex with no commitment or consequences.

Commitment is at the core of a stable nuclear family, and that is precisely what communism (and its extension, socialism) seeks to destroy.

To undermine the nuclear family, socialists celebrate promiscuity, fight for the social dehumanization of the unborn, promote a no-strings-attached form of relationships (otherwise known as a “community of women”), normalize pornography and obscenity, and desensitize children to violence.

Ultimately this creates a culture that views the nuclear family as outdated, oppressive, and unnecessary; that thrives on non-committal in relationships; and that views the murder of millions of unborn children as a normal and fundamental part of modern human life.

Once you remove personal responsibility in its ultimate form (that of the relationship between a parent and their child), you have effectually eliminated the social responsibility to individually strive for the good of society, protect others, and pursue justice.

Remove personal responsibility, and you become nothing more than a mindless cog in the mechanism of democratic socialism.

Another way in which socialist techniques have influenced the abortion debate is through the conduit of linguistics.

The power of subconscious framing, also termed the ‘Framing Effect,’ is well known among academic circles.

The Decision Lab (thedecisionlab.com) defines the ‘Framing Effect’ as “When our decisions are influenced by the way information is presented.”

This ability to predictably control an audience’s subconscious reaction to, and understanding of, the information they are presented with and thus craft a public bias, either in support of or opposition to the event or issue portrayed, is a powerful tool.

Over the past century, the drastic shifts in the meaning of the language used to refer to abortion have become startlingly obvious.

Pro-lifers and Pro-choicers can use the exact same words and yet miss each other entirely because the foundational linguistical interpretation of the words has changed.

The word ‘fetus,’ which originally was understood to mean ‘little human or little child,’ now is commonly interpreted as referring to ‘a clump of cells.’

Abortion, once commonly understood as a brutal and inhumane practice, is now touted as a legitimate and crucial form of healthcare.

A fundamental women’s right, instead of meaning those rights that every woman should have, now refers to the right of a woman to kill another human being just because their existence is inconvenient.

How did we get here?

How did our culture get so lost that feticide (the killing of a preborn child) and the brutality of abortion is commonly accepted and publicly celebrated?

How has motherhood become outdated and devalued and fatherhood viewed as unnecessary and bothersome?

We got ourselves into this current situation by abandoning a culture based on Judeo-Christian values and pursuing a warped version of individualism that only results in mass incompetency and a dereliction of the foundational tenets that form a strong society.

Socialism seeks to destroy personal responsibility and any form of natural consequences for our actions, and discards family and traditional community as fanciful and useless: we need only to look at history to see how this has worked out before.

Contrastingly, a strong society recognizes the innate need for both responsibility and consequences and implements both best in the sphere of family relationships.

And so, if we are to solve these issues, we must restore the value of the family, marriage, long-term relationships, and the sacred bond between parents and their children.

It is crucial that we work on creating a culture that revolves around community, responsibility, and commitment.

If we are to fight back against the socialist agenda to destroy personal responsibility and family values, we must replace that hyper-individualism with a personal commitment to our convictions, responsibilities, and values, and thus replace the detrimental agenda of socialism with a restoration of a culture of life.

Kate Cormack